Participate in Our Event!
Become a Sponsor!
Join the LoCo Wine Festival
Sponsorship Tiers!
Bronze Tier
- $150
- Featured on the website
- 2 tickets to the event
Silver Tier
- $500
- Have a space at the festival for their booth to promote their business
- Featured on website
- Shoutout on social media platforms
- Logo in the Wine Passport brochure
- 4 Tickets to the event
Gold Tier
- $1,000+
- Have a space at the festival for their booth to promote their business
- Featured on website
- Shoutout on social media platforms
- 1/2 page AD in the Wine Passport brochure
- Logo on sponsors large banner sign on the roadway leading up to the event
- 6 Tickets to the event
Use the form below to begin your inquiry.